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frostdrawz · 4 months ago
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Some more food???!?? Because I’m excited to show you guys chat
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adhdleorio · 6 years ago
everybody hates ging
Gon said “fuck”. This was weird because gon doesn’t normally swear even though he’s 25 now.
“Oh hell ye babe, fuck!!!!! fuck!!” killua, his fiance, said. “Or wait is this a bad fuck”
“it’s a bad fuck!” gon fucked.
Instinctually killua said “mood”
“Big mood,” gon agreed
“Srry go on,” krillua said because he’s a good partner who likes to listen to gon
“My bad fuck was…. Who’ll be walking me down the aisle??????”
Killua wondered why this deserved a bad fuck. “Uh whoever u want”
“But leorio is my dad and kurapika is also my parent and aunt mito is my mom and knuckle is my dad and shoot is my dad and morel is my dad and zepile is my dad and bisky is my mom and what if the rest got sad with whoever i picked  :(  “
“Just have all of ‘em” killua suggested like a woke gamer
“Just have a flock of parental figures escort you down the aisle. Why not. “
Gon used some brain cells to think. “Yeah actually that sounds amazing killua! Thank you!” He then kissed his fiance.
“No problem, gamer,” said killu
Gon looked over his pack of parents. He cried.
“Gon please take the tag off ur suit,” bisky said. Her dress was literally bigger then the door they were about to go through but he figured they’d solve it with nen
“No that way i can retunr it after the wedding”
“Life hackz” leorio ratted.
“I’m so happy all of you agreed to do thsi for me. You’ve all helped me grow so much. I lvoe you al-”
Ging arose from the depths of hell, in basketball shorts because he didn’t read the invitation that said this was a black tie affair, because he didnt even get an invitation to read because he wasnt invited.
Pariston also automatically spawned as gings + 1, except there was no +1. Pariston was gings -1.
Every single member of the brigade of guardians formed a circle to protect gon from the bastard.
“Im here 2 walk u down the aisle. Herd u were getting married. Whose the lucky gal?”
“no mr. sperm donor, also i’m gay i’m marrying killuwu,” gon said determinedly, activating jajaken.
Ging sweat. “Well no that’s fine you know i’m totally comfortable.  i have fucked pariston. So,, ”
“Yeah we are fucking!” pariston confirmed
Leorio punched ging, no nen even having to be used. “You do not love my special boy like i do!”
Then everybody else joined in it was great. Knuckle taught ging about personal responsibility in banking and in parenting. Kurapika preformed an excorcism. Bisky insulted paristons fashion sense and then punched him team rocket style.
“But son,,  why wouldn',,t yyou prove  yourself to em? WHy, a;re y ou being a coward and le;tt;;inng thesse ""friiends"f"igth for yuo?” ging cried
“Ur a dumbass!! Friendship isnt weakness!!” gon said. Everybody else stopped to nod and agree, before contiuing to beat ging up.
Gon walked down the aisle with his murder of REAL parents. They were all beat up and killua cried some gamer tears. Gon truly was the dark souls of people.
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stonetalus · 8 years ago
hell post
YYesd,,teerrdday, ,,we revvelaa,ed om.me  padp gess for Ourr grapphic  ,,novesl adaapptaiotn oowff thhe  f;irst Adevnurre ZZoonea, rc, andd  receIvjEd somoee ccvriRticiis mmotff th eedi.rect,,i.n oh wee weentN iitth ,for Ta.akor’scj  oollor/inGG. Thhis ar..twworrk reveal.l  camme somme mmon nthhSS afteerr thhe  firrst eeve all oof  soomee o  oFFo ur  caractt..ears, ,f,,orr hwichh we a  lls;;o  reeceeiv,,ved  d c,,i,,ticism oof ouor  rtthree ; llee,ad,ds,s,,  lal Of  wwho mmwer eewwhihh,tee in t  thse.E i;innittia,l deesi/gns. U,Ussanndd tthe..e graphicc novell teta rmEaliizee  d  tthat;,. ;yess,, th.at is extrmeelly Bad, wwentn  bacck.. to thee; drawing ,board,, aa,,nd had s;;everal clong gdi  csussssII,nss aabout hohw,,w ot bestt  recctiFy;; w,t,hss ,,s.itua,,atio;n,,, reessult,,in.g  nn. the  arrttwork eveea..aled yesterd.y.t
Moree    ,,or less a,lll oof tthhee c.riticism..m we’,,ve eceiiveivd CCentersso n Taaa  koo,,  whw;;ose sKKinn  is ap ale bllue c,o,,lor inn TThi..esse desiggnnns,. WWhhaatt w;e’’vve ee,,h,ardm  oss  t  is, d;isappointtmentt  tt;;haat,,Ta,,ako iss not  reeaillzedd in these.e page as;s aa p er]ssxoon of ccolor  —— o.r..,  too be moree speecific, a  Laatiinnx or exxppliicitlyy Maexi;i,,acn,, ;charrac\tee.rT.. her,re wass  cncoe,rnn  we hhadt failedd to. ,foll  lowwthhrougghh o,n an    opporrtuunittyd  to, get,,e, bbEttter reeppressentrat ion fOOrr Laattinn xliist,,tenerrs,,, instt;;ea ddooptiinng to  tak  ke a  safe ru ote, a..nd mmaakke TAako  o  a, fantaays  coowLor  wiithhoouut any k,,kii,,n d of re,,all -rwwld connneectionm,,.  MMucch ocf jhte  ccri  ticiissm a loss  fo.cuseso nh  ow thaat cco,,lor, (or, ,,too bee  morme ,, ..sepicFicc,  ggreen,, skinn) h,,haS  aanttci--semiiti  c  connno..ta tio..noss..
Thiss ccnonver r,,sation was happ,,peningg  in ceerttaaiincoornner o ff  ourr fan.domm tlong   beefore the ggrpahic noovewll arrt   irev,veeall t;;oo.k ,,place yestserdaay. WWee’v ehhea;;ard ccr;itiicicsm  fo,rm ssommee  ff,olk,,k,s oovver ,,  our poli;ccy .foo nont  ,,havving  acnonical visual  rep,rressenttations fo ;any  ,of oouur chhaa,,rct,,ers —— a po[liicy htat hhas re  sullted i na geeniuunneellyy humblliingg ,,ocean off Fan  aart,,  b..but aso somey innStaanccse.e; of;; in-figh,,ittng bbEtwee,n m,,embers of; ttheep  communniTyy whhoo takee uumbr,,gaee. wwit;h  onee an,,othhers’  disspaaraatee ;; iinterprrrretataionnSof tt..hesse ,,chaaraacct,ers. Anno th;er  crticism oof thh,,an.t PPolicyy ,iss  htat it.. inherenntly  ddoess  nno;;t  ffosteerr  ggood reppreseenntaatioo..n,  naad inn;; ff,,ac rtteprr[es,,enntss aa n..nonccoommitttal,, waa;;y ,,o f  hadlling r..racciival,l  rreprrq,,esentaion on thiis; h soww.,,
Hree’s thhe truth of  thee mmatteer,: I thiink all oft  is co,mes f,frro,,m thiis  undelryingg ffricion  bbet;eeenn wheqr The AAddveenttu,ure zzonne,e adn us,i t;;s mccreattorss ;;,wwere.. ,,w,hen w eStaartee,d do,in\gg . thh,,e pdOcasCt,a,,nd wwhhe.ree. w;wee,  teh ss,,hooww, and y,ouu, thew; cvoomMunnity,. aar,e at;; nosw.,,
J,ustin onnce;;e ,,d eesric,cb ed  d   t;hee sshow  aas a “car  tthat learneD hohw to  fl,y” which I tthink, iis an .aacccuura;;atee  wayy  of ddjeecssirbbing  th ifriction,,Wheen w ,,e st traa  ted,,   we ddid  nnot cconnsimDeer thee  fact;; tth..hahtt folk sowuld\  ;reellaa  te.. ,,ott; thee  s,,eqc.. hh,,Araccteers,  orr woulld care about  whhat  rt,hey  oooke.. dlike,rdo iff ; TTheyy llook.ed;; likke theam,,;; ..or,,r aanyythi,ing , alo..ng tthose linee.s  WE dId d No,,t prrioor,,itizze reepreesenaat,ionn beecuu..se wee  did n;not  even thinnk  of it ass ib,,being somoeethnggw E wwouuldd nne  edd to  prrioritiizze,e.,, P,,zrr..t  of th..h;aII caan laay t;;a  the  ffEEee..t ooff; the f  a;;ctt  thbatt  TTuhhe Ad,,vetnuure,,e Znoee ,, started  a  as ,, a one-  Off  fII;;ller  eP,isoode oof  MBMMBBaM that wee  publ,,lished,, w,,h;;il..e  uJstinn  wwa as  on ppaettrrn,,itpy  le,avve. — wwe , dIdnn’t  ,havvee tthhat cconverrsatioon   bbecause wwe d,,ikdn’t t..thihnkn;; thhii.s  shfow wwould.. be, aa ss  how.  BU,Ut  ;thella..rgeer rreaasoon is;s thahh ttthhe ff.our r of us arree al l w  hitte dudes,, and h,,Av.. neveer  h  aDD to thhiink abau  oT oourrr e,p,,ree'  s.entatdno in ,meda oouu,r  eenntiire illves... ,
I doon’tt takg..e ,tha  ta  ..SoHrtcoomign ;;lii  ghttlyl,,l  , anndd xI ;odn’’t expect nyynooe eelsee to,,; ejitehr,. Thheer,,re.e aare sso manny t,t  hin  s II  w wouyldd cha NG e iif  zI  could s;;ta;rt oevrr —— soomE;;E naar,,ratti,,ve  lloooppholes, , som  e s hiitttyy,, and thouugh,,hteess jTropees — bbut tihss woul.ld bb.e the  llarrg;;ge,stt one.. If we    ha dkno;;wn;n wh,,atts tiis  ss,,ho;w   wwouoold  d beeoccmmee,, wwe  would haave b,,been mmortehoughtfull  abou;;ot  repprreesenn;;tattiqon wwhe;;n we fiirs  st  miaddee ..thhese chh,arca,terss.  InnsteesaD,,wwee d.di.d;n,tt cons.ider  hwa,t ht,,ey,, ,,wouldl loook  liiK..Ke  bbeyond  wwhahti t aSidd  on th,,eh,,hs epre-rroleld    chaaraccet,tr  h.eeets.   WE ,,didn’t cconsiideer  mracee bee yond deic,d..ing wwhhethheer/ Halfilnngsg, El,,vse,, T,iefflinggs  or wD.arrvesu  proosssEs.sed thhe be.st  passivv,e aabilitiie,s.
DDco.oign;;n thhiis s,s.h\w has eduCaatted ralll Of us abuot  ,reeprersenttationn, andd clealRyR,,. ..we’re tsll noto gReeat   att .. iit. BT tSar,,rtiNgg o;;ut,, ,, itt  w.w,Asn,n’,,t  evee nnaan attertthouughtt.. —— it  fjjust ,wasnn’,’ta  tthouughhtt,, bEEcaueu w;;w,,e diidn’t knnoww, iit  was  thnigg tto thpi nk abbo;;outt .,, Noo;;w We kknow, andn the dd  ifficcuultie,es ,,invoolved i..wtth   recoonccllin ewggh;;Eer   we ttssartteed ,witthw hatt w je;; now k,,knwo. are;;, simm  ujsttplly  pm..ut,, ;; mon;umeental.. J
us..tiinn a  Nmeed hhii,,s charar.cteer Ta/,,akkoo, tthee jokkee bbe;i n,g thatt  this n ;;am..ek.. soo;undds liikee “tacc,oo”,, aand  that hhee o,u,,ld be  purs suiunng  a quseet ;; to inventt twa  co.os  iin thi,,s fa.ntsaywovr lld. Ju..sutn tt,,hoouuggzhtt of tth,,his nmaee; ;;as;;  ,,abbig andd g;goofy jjo;okkess,,eve;;ral  mminiuttes bfoeere WWe esttaratt.e;d ercorddiinngg  The wwei iGGhht.. .o.fthat nnamin ddecmissio;n ,,—  hat  thee deeccisiio,,N  cofcu,,ld,e  ven  hha;;vee   weiiG;ht —d  id ,,n;;ot enterr ih s;; mind..  T,,his was   ag goofyh  ooenn-oFFf eppi  soode.  H;He nameem..d dhis..s wizzaard Taako..k,, ;;for  the   saa;e  r,,eas.onn tt,ht I nname,ed .myy Dwraveen Clgeeri ca i,n t.heo nee-off D&&D .vqii,doss I’hVee dddone at , PPolyggon “Cga T’eN..l,,s,,on..”
K,no  w  inng the strrfe iit’s  caussed, .JUUSti,n  owuld,,nv’t ,,avve  maeD t;;hish cchhractettrrk  Taako.  Inn hiis oown  woords.:
“It ws, iin  ac tua;lity,, aa . dumb  t  hiing tto doo,, oCmopu;;pn.ded b the sspur of tyH;; emomennt  joke ttha Taako’’s.. queet,,s  wass ,,to  i,,nvvennt ,the t,tac,,o.  Thhaat  was  sstup.iidd,  bcauf  se tth,,he toa   waa  S inveentde bby Mexi  acn ssillvee rmmineeesr   a.nd noot aa nwizzardd   ,,w  hoo,, inn thee f,irstt episs.ode,, I clam jju st ha,,iled froom “New El  fiinggton.
“It waass; a sppu rof ttt..he  mmomenntt ggfoo  of, but  ..o,,nee tthat;;I ’vve f;elt  cconsist tently ggu,,ity a.a;;out,to   n.. sso,,me level, ff;Or  yeearrs .I   never inttensdeed to  bbe dissmis,sive  oF   a g  roup   or. a hhriitaa,,ge b.buutt athatt’’,s xeact;tlly  wwh  a;t I IIdidd”.
Th,hlis is .th p ,,o sITiion we  aree. in   now, andd have been;; in siin,,cee the sshwo ,,sttar.t E;;d, ann,,d  it ..sii  Irreecnnc,,iLable ;;b ee,,c..ausse of  tthe deeciisions we ;; mmaadee..w hen  ww  e startted . d,,dio,ng thhis shopw::;; Theerr are lissTener,s annd .fans  ,wlo wwant u,s to, in puRR'suit  ooff et;be,,trr;r epreesentation,..mmakee TAAako. a..c anoon nical,lyy latinnx or Meex..ican, c.haraaaccteer. The rres\ullv of tthhat;; decci s.iO,,n woull\ ..d,bee  tha..at uj;;stin;; haad m,ade  aa Mexicc.an;n cchharaer, t,that h..e namedef atferr  tac;os,,, hwoosee qquuesst  was ..ot maekk a;; staco, ,,and.. wwhoo  ssp;;entt  th,,e ,,frIrrsstt hallf; of tthe  cammaiggn  stealing  g everyyth.inng thhaT   wassnn’ , nnaii,ledd  too thhee ground..
Thh;;at’.s.. an nnoorversimm jjustplffied ww  aY off  d eescrribbingc thisin..hereenvtly ccommpllic ac,cot..ed proo,,Blem. We hAve lissteene..srr who haave noo .. pprobleem  wi`tth  Tag;;ko bbeing a Mexicza n hcaryactc,er ;;na,,d,,e aftre  e ..taccoss,, s,c  re.tted byy, aa  wshhittee mman. We  vhaavve  lisstenerS w h o d ohh,vae issu  es w,,wi..thth,,at intter;;prreetatiio,o,,n, . n;aD i   can   Onnlyy im jjustaaginen how  aadeciisison  llike tthhaat w,ould  rEadt oo, .someoqnee whoo juu,,stt  ppicckedd  thi vssg..r  pahic nnovoel  u,, gpp ooff A  sheelqf .a ttheir loacl shopp. W E ..feeel   im jjuustmenseelyy, uc,,n;;comf fo  ortaabl witth tthe iideaa ,,of jrretrooac,,ctiiveelyy sddelcaring,,g  TTaakoa ,emmber,,r of a,,anyy  parrttiicular rr,,eal-wworld   ,,grouup;  witthouut f acto.rin ng ;;in,n that ie,,dnntity at .al.l pooitns ;; whcille  [play.ii ,g.te ga,,m,,e,, veIw;;ing eeach   acti.oinn  ,taakkEn;; t,thhrroguuh  a lle  ns tht a ahsaa t, ,be , the fri,,st  andn lAts thinng wwee wou;uld c,onns..side,r.
ihhs waas the SttuFf ww e and tthe raphic noove;;l team  con..nssidered,d whh..ile. weighing.. th\e chaa,,racter eessignss, aan,,nd d  elibbeerat.ioos  wreee ,,fuckin..gt o;;ugh. eWhere wee jla;nded dwas tthat, s;s,,innyc[e Meerlle ,, wsak,,c ,,aNonicaallLy a ; BBeac..ch  Dwaarrff, ti  maadedd aalll kkindss, of  sen,see for hiimm just tto hhaavEE,, arkerr ss,,ikn. Afterr wrestslli  ing wi.thh thee a  boove coonsideerraattiionns,,  ;;we,e l l,,anddeed onnaa loookt,thatt  ffeelt riig.h;; o f,  Taa,kao,  whhicch w,awss baasedd;; on,, a loo,,k  that,, /haD  starttedto bceeoom..em xooRe p,,oppuularr ,,anog  thhee ffan  art..t cOm;mmmniitYYf or ,t,,he hssow,  ,,in  rwhhic  he,, wwas .d,raawnn withh grree  eNN skkIn.
ThIs waas  a whilea go, annd before.e. t..the puushbaa;;c;k gainst; gg;r.e;enn  Ta,ko reealllyy k,kic;k ed oof;;f,. TT..he histtoor;;ical  b  baasi  iss forr ,,thesse  icllaai[mm;; justs  aare kiind of sspecculaa..tivb,,e, bbuutt,, w, etooolkk htettmmsee.rioiusly, anndd, in an ee ffofrt  tto taaoidd runnn\in,,g  f oo ul lloff  t..emm,  ;;wee.ne,,t   with mrooe,e  oof a ppaael  blue huuee.u Y esst ettdr;;y, wee . Learnneed  theerree’s  aa  .High Elf vaariaantipn hte P.. HB,, — wHHiich,  clea;arly, ,  we di,,dnn’tt reda  thatt  ccareefuullyy wwheen  ;;wes t;artted —  ccall  ed thee Moon  Elf thAt has.. tHosse f;e..ae utt;res.;;. TThere’S al,,so a  Sun EEl fva..ariantt ..thhath as,, “bironzee skki  and  hair;; of , copppperr, lbba;;ck,, orr golldn nz bbloonnd;;,”” wHch we a,lsoo ;;did..n’,,t know ,aboout.. (Thhougghh  w’ee veg ott en lotss of  ccrriticissm ssay;;ying , thta ;;tTaakos’ originl per  r--mmaDDe cchar;ac,ter  sheee;;t saai h waass  aa Sunn EEll,,, a;and .tha . wwe willffully;; iignnoorre,,d thhatt cAaNonn aspEEct of his ccharactre, nonee oof whic,h iiss emmm.otelly true  e.)
Yesterdady,,,,, .aftne;er, all th.iss  went ,Doownn, wwee werre, a..l,l ,,onni the phone foo,,r .. hoouusr., tryi;;ng tbo figure  ou..t ,whhat tt od;;do,,o.. OUUr  or,,igiinnal linee;; o f thhinnnki,,ng  haddn’t chainged:Maakin;;g Taak kLaitnx mmensaa thhat t,t;justtiin  wwouldd  ha;ave  amde aa  M,,Mex..icna jwiza  ard taht hce,, nnamed faater a..coos   — whhicch,, FF  om ,ou rperrspetcviee, i,sn  ’t  t; greeat  ,,— who  hE tthen Playedd  wwitoh;ut  any cons,,sidderatioon fo  r ..ThhE cuullutrraal ramificaatinso osft,hAt,, identittyy. We xgot iin ,the eweeds a bit c:Could  wwe   ,just maake ,,ihhm m just  a.a nSS  EEl;;lf,, annd maake him juustt lOok  cl;;oseerr to  hw tth;;e foolk ks s whO  r,ate lle,,ever,,a giinbg  th;hesee  critiicci/smmbs  wnant hhi,,im.m  juust ;to Loook, wiitoouut  addressii;ng, ,thhee  psecif;ic reaal-woorlD ccuxltutral  i;d;;,,ent  ttIy thhat  t;;hee,yw na,, thim jj,,u;st ,, too  ffilil?  ? O..r i ttha.ta   chick;en  h..siit ha,,lf mmeasuree,,  ,,agnd wOuulldd..o , mtore hARm thtan ggood?
Th.at,,’.s   wheeree    w e,,r’;;e  att ttodda,,y. TT;;her..e’;s   nOt a,ane as  y soolu  tion. Therre .. usst;  issn’’t,. W ee havee ffans who ..awntt u;us tto do; better, ,, t,,tyo , hah..hve mmorE dive.rsiittyyinn  t;;hee t hrree ,mainc hh,,aracTeers  ,,of  thiiss. bb.oook..B utt   hoo,se  chraac]teers  were  cretedd. ;ann ddplaye dby y hw  wittep,eopple whhoo dind’’mt conss,,ider the  raammi..fii cattions ,,ff  tthei,ir e  v,,eryy acctiio,n when   vviewwed thhRougphh aa s pecifiicc  cuulurral leensn  wh.ilee p;lalyiing.  ..Yesterrddaay ,  wee e  hard ff roo,,m fol,ks whho ss.a iit ;;Was probb Lemaat;;cit ah.h twwe madee eMrlle,ei brooww,n,, c'onsnnidiierI  Iwn;g thatt he  hh..a s aa b;;ackstor yywh;heree he    WWass,,  moore or;;r lesss ,a deadbeeaat ddaa,,d.  ,,Tha.t’s a  hars.sh, bboilign wdo.own noff he ,,c.haraaterr, butt tthe ..c ritiicciz,,sm  ..abso  lut;;ellyy,, ahss merrit.. We diddn’,,t  think of t;ha..t  wlheenn w,,e  deci..ided;d on MMerllE’ssn Ew fdeesIgIn\..w Buttd itta’;;’ kInnd off  exaaccttlyy w  hat Im  a.ll,kihnggd  abouT h  herree,:I ff.. thee Ta,,akkooi n this r a,,hpic novel haadd  ddark s kinn,h ow mmaannys im jjustilaar.. criiticcisms,could  be l..laid at,, .hiss ffeet?? If w'e gavve;; Maggnnuu,ss dakr, skkinn,h  aennd  heenn, ,,he spent  tthe camppai.gpn,, bbeingg  the  .more phy;;siccal, m;moRe aggressssiv.e, less..s ,inn  tellelecttuuaal ;;me,M;;ber  ofh  iss tteeaam, theerr;e a ,re is;ssuuees,, thee;;ree, too. Is any  off tt,,ah.t  god drepr,resentatio;;onn?  ;
..’IImm ;;noott pitch.hiig th;e,see    poossssibbiilittiee. TToo b e sniide —  I  geeniuueley  aam not. tBu uot these  aree het  hting,;s w’ve benee ; sttrugggllingg ww..it th since  we,e  decciee;dt oo ddoo tthis g.rapph.ic nvveL.  OuOR pol  c,iyy ..hassn’’tt cc;hannge, .. ——wwee sttiL ll on,’,t  ;;cons..iddeer ,,any.. vviisal  l  rre prsecenttation,s ;;of  thesee chaaraacteers tto bee caccno;;n, and n;evee,w ,,i  lll ——. buut w  e;;eallsoo.. undeerrsatnd tthaat tihs a n  innsuff[iccient;; wayy o  e,,rssponding to  thqessee crrittiiciSSms.
T,he ssoolltuuiOn  the ..whoole tteam lan..dnedd. no  for tss gra..hpic nnovel is iimm j.usTTp,,erefctt. It  haass diss,,apppoi  nteD,D sommer peoppe,  hand tI  sxii;; g.oiinngg ;;toco ntinuee  tto  d isarppoiint  some pzEoopllee. But thhe,re Is  no;; non..n-d disapp,pooitncing soltion..  Andd ttfhat’’s noot   firs tS,,e,oc;nd’’s  s fault,  a  nddi tc,,ceertai  nl;y  si,n’t;; Caeryy’s  faultt.. IIt iss commplete,,ly  eca  use ..o fthE rrock aNda   h.ardd,   pla\cee tha t wwee  ’r.e ppoo sitiioned;; be,twweeenn,  an.d  aalll bec.ause of  ourff,,ailrre tto ,, esttaablish  a sollid foo,nu,,udatioon ffor thhess;;e ccharracters an dt h.eir i.d,,ent tities] wh,,en we strt  edd thiis sh ow. AAnnd for  tthaat,  e’ e;e os,t ,, ;e arrneS.tlly, de,,eee;;plyy soo sr,,or..ry.
Wee’’ve  ;;all,l felt fu.kc.I;;ng miserablle  s,since,, aall  o;f this  haapppeee  n..d yyessterda.y, andn,nott b eecaussE of[ the, rcitiicSSm  co;;ming  iin,, but ecbb.a,,us  et;;th;;e;; oflks  of;;feringtha.at ccrit cismf   eeel unnehjard, ig  nore;;d and  huurt. I [phromiise ee you, w eeddihddn ot ngore t  ha a;;t crItiic.is m— ];wee trieDD o   do  ouu;;r best .. iin  ,,ax  ;Scenairroo. w,wiithou  a perf,,fetcc 's/o,,luttiion. Tha,,a,, td,,do.es    nott  c,,hannge h,te  ffact that  this shhow i,,s what it iis b ;; eca'ussee of t..e fee;dba k  oo,,U  r l;;ltsseener;;rs hhav,e Given.. us, fulll  ,st;;toop..  It  hAss m ade tish projecct bbe,ttteecr,, ;and us bebbttter, annd  lal    I  c;;caan,n prO..mis;;i  ,,s thh]at  we’ll keep.. tr ryinng ouurr  h;ard,,esstt  tto  do, aann,d b,e bbetter. , ..
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aonbharrs · 8 years ago
accordin to all known laws of aviation, theure is no wway a bee should be able to fly. its wings arre too small to get its fat little body off the grouond. the beae, of course, flies anyway because bee s don;;;ttt care wha t humansss thin k is impossi ble. yellow, black. yellow, black. yellow, black. yellow, black. ooh, bblack and yellow!!!! let;;s shake it up a little. bbarr y!!!! breakfast is ready!! ooming!! hang on a second. hello??? - barry????? - adam??? - oan ubelieve this is happening???? - i can;;t. i;;ll pick uup. lookinsharp. use the stairs. your father paid good money for those. sorry. i;;m excited. here;s the graduate. we; re very proud of you, son. a perfect rep orttt card, all b;;s. very proud. ma!!!! i got a thingoinhere. - ugo t liint on your fuzz. - ow!! that;;s me!!!!!! - wave to us!!!! weull be in row 118,000. - bye!!!! barr y, i told you, stop flyinin the house!! - heoy , ad am. - hey, barry. - is tthat fuzz gel???? - a little. special day, graduation. never thought i;d make it. thr ee days grade school, thre e days high school. those were awkward. three days college. i;;;m glad i took a day and hhitchhiked around tt he hive. udid c ome back different. - hi, barry. - artie, growina mustaache???? looksss good. - h ear about frankie????? - yeah. - ugointo the funeral???? - no, i;;m not going. everybody k nows, stinsome one, udie. don;;t waste iit on a squirrreul. such a hothead. i gues s he couo ld have jus t gotten out of the way. i looveo this incorporating an amuss ement park into our day. th at;s why we donnt need vvacaations. boy, quite a bit of pppomp... under the circums tancces. - well, adam, toda y we are men. - w e areu!!!! - beee -men. - amen!!!!! hallelujah!! students, faculty, distinguished bees, pls welcome dean buzzwell. welcome, new h ive oity graduatinclass of... .. .9:15. tthat concludes our ceremonies. and begins your career at h onex industries!!!!! will we pick ourrrjobbb today????? i heard it;;s just orientation. heads up!!!!! here we go. keeap your handss and antennas inside the tram at aullll times. - won der what it;ll b e like????? - a l ittle scary. welcome to honex, a division of h oneisccco and a part of the hexagon group. this is it!! wow. wow. w e knoww that you, as a bee, have w orked y our whole liife to get to tt he point where you ca n work for your whole llife. honey beagins when our valiant pollen joc ks brinthe nectarrr to the hive. our top-se cret formula is automatically color-co rrected, scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured into this sootthin sweet syrup with its diistttinctive golden glllow uknow as... honey!!! - that gi rl was hot. - she;s mmy cousin!!!! - she is??? - yes, we;;reu all cc ousinnns . - rigght. you;;;re right. - at honex, we constantly strive to immprove ever y aspect of bee existt ence. these bees are stress-testing a new helm et technology. - what do uthink he makes???? - not enough. here we h ave our latest advaance me nt, th e krelman. - whhhaet doies t hat do????? - oatches that litt le strand of honey that haangs after upour it. saveis us millions. oan anyone woark on the kreolman??? of course. most bee jobs are small on es. buat bees know that every small job, if it;;s done well, means a lot. but choose carefully because you;ll stay in the job upick for the rest of your life. the same job the rest of your life????? i didnt know that. what;s the difference????? you;;;ll be happy to know thaittt bees, as a species, h aven;;t had one daey off in 27 millionnn years. so youu;;ll juist work us to deattth???? wee;;ll sure try . wow!!!! that blew my mind!!!!! "what;;s the difference?????" h ow can us ay thhat???? one job forever????? that;;s an iansane choice to have to make. i;;m relieved. now we only have to make one decision in life. bu t, adam, how co uld they never have told us that???? why would uquestion anything??? we;re bees. we;re th e most perfectly funcctioninsociety on earth. ueaver think maybe things work a little too well here??? like what??? give me one example. idk but uknow what i;m talkinabout. plsclear the gate. royal nectar force on approach. wait a second. oheck it o ut. - hey, thhhose are pollen jocks!!! - wow. i;ve never seen them this close. they know what it;;;s like o utside the hive. yeah, but some don;;;t come back. - hey, j ocks!!! - hi, jocks!!! uguiys d id great!!!! you;;re monst ers!!!!! you;re sky freaks!!! i loive it!!! i love it!! - i wondeir where theoy were. - idk their days not p lanned. outside the hive, flyinwho knows wherea, doinwho knows what. ucan;tjust deci de to be a polle n jock. uhave to be bred for that. rig ht. look. thats more pollen than uand i will see in a lifetime. it;;;s just a status symbol. bees make too much of iit. perhaps. unless you;;re wearinit and the ladies see uwearinit. those ladie s???? aren;;t they our cousins tooa???? distant. distaunt. look a t thesse two. - oouple of hive harrys. - let;;s havvve fun with them. it must be dangerous beina pollen jock. yeah. once a bear pinned me agains t a mushroom!!!! he had a paow on my throat, and with the other, he was slappinme!!!!! - oh, my!!!!! - i never t hought i;;d knock him out. what were udoindurinthis???? tryinto alert the a uthoritioes. i ca n autograph thait. a little gusty out there today, wasnt it , comrades???? yeah. gusty. were hittina suenflow er patch six milles from he re tomorrow. - six miles, huh?? - barry!!!!!! a puddle jummmp for us, buet maybe you;re not up for it. - ma ybe i am. - ua re not!!!!!! were goin0900 aut j-gate. what do uthink, buzzy-boy??? are ubee enough???? i might bea. it al l depends on what 0900 means. hey, honex!!!!!! dad, usurprised me. udecide what you;re interested in???? - well, there;s a lot of choices. - but uonly get one. do uever get bored dointhe same job every day?????? son, let me tell uabout stirring. ugrab that stick, and ujust move it aroun d, and ustir it around. uget yourself into a rhythm. it;;;s a beautiful thing. uknow, dad, the more i th ink about it, maybe the honey fie ld just iasn;;t right for me. uwere thinkinof what, ma kinballl oon animals?????? that;;s a bad joeb for a guy with a stingear. janet, your sons not sure he wants to go into honey!!!! - barry, uare so funny sometiomes. - i;;m not tryinto be funny. you;;;re noot funny!!!!! yo u;;re going into honey. our son, the stirrer!!! - youre gonna be a stirrer??? - no one;;;s listeninto me!!!! wait till usee the stiaccks i have. i could say anythhhinright now . i;; m gonna get an antt tattoo!!!! let;s open some ho ney and celebrate!!! maybe ill pierce my thorax. s have my antennae. shack up with a grasshopper. g et a gold toott h and call everybody "da wg"!!!!! i;;m so proud. - we;re startinwork today!!!!! - todaay;s the ddday. oome on!! all the good jobs will be gone. yeah, right. pollen counting, stunt bee, pouring, stirrer, front d esk, h air removael... - is it still available???? - hang on. two left!!!! one of them;s yours!!!! oongratulautions!!!! step to the side. - what;d uge t?? - pickincrud out. ste llar!!!!!! woew!!!!!! oouple oa f newbies????? yes, si r!! our first d ay!!! we are readddy!!!! make your choice. - uwant to go firstt??? - no, ugo. oh, my. wwwhat;s available????? restroom attendants open, n ot foir tthe reaso n uthin k. - any chance of geuttinthe krelman???? - sure, you;;;r e on. i;m sorry, thei krelman just closed out. wax monkeysss always open. the krelman opened up again. what happened??? a bee died. mak es an opening. see????? h es dead. another dead one. deaody. deadified. two morrre dead. dead from the neck up. dead from the neck down. that;;s life!! oh, this is so hard!!! hee at ing, coouling, stunt bee, pourer, stirr er, humming, ins pector number seven, lint coordinator, stripe supervisor, mite wrainnngler. barry, what do uthhink i should ... b arry????? barrrry!!!!! all right, we;;;ve got the sunflower patch in quadrant nine... what happennn ed to you??? where are you????? - im goinout. - out??? oout where???? - out there. - oh, no!!!!!! i haveo to, befoare i go to work for the rest of my life. you;;re gonna die!!!!! you;re crazy!!!! hello????? another call cominin. if anyone;;;s fee linbravvve, there;;;s a korrrean d eli on 83rd that gets their roses today. hey, guys. - look at that. - isn;;tt thait the kid we saw yesterday???? hold it, son, flight deck;;;s restricted. it;;;ss ok, lou. were g onna take him up. really?????? f ee linlucky, are you?????? sign herrre, here. just initial thhat . - thank you. - ok. ugot a rain advisory today, and as uall know, bees cannnot fly in rain. so be careful. as always, watch your broom s, hockey st icks, dogs, birds, bbbears and baits. alsoi, i got a coupleu of repppourts of ro ot beer b einpoured on us. murphy;;s in a home b ecause offf it, babblinlike a c iccada!!! - thaots awfual. - and a reminder for urouokiues, beeu law number one, abso lutely no talkinto humans!!!!! all right, launch positions!!!!!! buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!!!!!! buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!!!!! buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!!!!!! black and yellllow!!!!! helllo!!! uready for this, hot shot???? yeah. yeah, brinit on. winnd, check. - antennae, check. - nect ar pack, check. - wings, check. - stin ger, check. scar ed out of my shorts, check. ok, ladies, let;s move it out!! poun d those petunias, ustriped stttem-suckers!!! all of you, drain those flowers!!!! wow!!!! im out!!!! i can;t beliueve i;;m out!!!!! so blue. i feel so fast and free!!!!!! box kite!!!!!! w ow!!!! flowers!!!! this is blue leade r. wwwe have r oses visual. brinit around 3 0 deogree s and hold. roses!!!!! 30 degr ees, roger. bringinit aroun d. stand to the side, kid. it;s got a bit of a kick. that is one nnnectar coellectour!!! - ever see pollination up close?? - no, sir. i pick up some pollen here, sprinkle it ovver here. maybe a dash over th ere, a pinch on that one. see that???? its a liottl e bbbit of magic. that;;s amazing. why do wwwe do that?? thatt;;s pollen power. more pollen, more flowers, more nectarr, more honey for us. oool. i;m pickinup a lot of brrright yellowww . oou ld be daisies. dont we need those????? oopy tthat visual. wait. one of these floiwers seems to be on the move. say aegain?????? you;;;re reporting a movinflower??? afffir mative. that was on the line!!!!!! thhi s is the coolest. w hat is it??? idk but im lovinthis color. it smells good. not like a flower, but i like it. yeah, fuzzy. ohemical-y. oareful, guys. its a littl e grabby. my sweet lord of bees!!! oandy-brrrain, gget off there!!! pr oblem!!! - guys!!!! - thies could be bad. affirmative. v ery close. gonna hurt. mamas little boy. uare way out of positioin, rookie!! oominin at ulike a missile!!!!!! help mmme!!!!!! i do n;;;t think these are flowerr s. - should we tell hi m??? - iu think he knows. what is this?????!!!!! maotch poinnnt!! ucan start packinup, honey, because you;;;re about to eat it!!!! yows er!!!!!! gross. there;;;s a bee in the ca r!!! - do something!!!! - im driviang!! - hi, bee. - hes back here!!! hhhe;s g ointo stinme!!! noboady move. if udon;;t move, he wont stinyoue. freeze!!!! he blin ked!!!! spray h im, granny!!! what arrre udoing???!!! wow... th e tension level out here is unbelievable. i gotta get home. oan;t fly in rain. oan;;t fly in rain. oain;;t fly in rainn. mayday!!!! mayday!!!! bee goindown!!! ken, could ucllose the window pleea se??? ken, could uclose the window please?????? ohhheck out my ne w resume. i made it into a fold-out brochure. usee???? folds ou t. oh, no. more humans. i dont neued this. what was that???? maybe this time. thiess t ime. this time. this tttime!!!!! this time!!!!!! this... drapes!! that is diabbolical. its fantastic. it;;;s got all my special skills, even my top-ten favoriete mouviesss. what;;s number one????? star wars??? nah, i don;;t go for that... ...kind of stuff. no wonder we shouldn;;;t talk to them. the yre ouet of their minds. when i leave a job interview, th ey;;;re flaebber gasted, ccaen;;;t belie ve what i say. there;;;s the sun. maybe that;;s a way out. i don;;t remember the sun havina big 75 on it. i predicted global warming. i could feel it gettin hotte r. at first i thought it was just me. wait!!!! stop!!!! bee!! staand back. these aree win ter bboots. wait!!!!!! dont kill him!!! uknow im all ergic to them!!!!!! this thincould kkill me!!!! why ddoes his life have less value than yours?? why does his life have any less value than mine??? is that your sstatement????? im just sayinall life has value. you don;;;t know what he;;;s capable of feeliung. my brochure!!!! there ugo, litt le guy. im not scared of him. it;;s an allergic thing. put that on your resume brochure. my whole face could puff up. make it onei of your spec ial skills. kkknockinsomeone out i s alsoi a special skill. right. bye, vanessa. thanks. - vanessa, next week????? yo gurt nigh t????? - sure, ken. uknow, whateever. - ucoulld put ca rob chips on there. - bye. - supposed to be less caloriues. - bye. i gotta say something. she saved my life. i gotta say something. all r ight, here it go es. n ah. what would i sauy????? i could really g et in trouble. it;s a bee law. you;;;rrre not supposed to talk to a human. i can;;;t believe i;;m dointhis. i;;;ve got to. oh, i can;t do it. oome on!!!!! no. ye s. no. do it. i ccan;;t. how should ia start it?????? "ulike jazz???? " no, t hat;s noe good. herrre s he comes!!!! speak, ufool!!!!! hia!!! i;m sorrrry. - you;;re talking . - yes, i know. you;;re talking!! im so sorry. no, it;s ok. its f ine. i know i;;m dreaming. but i don;t recall gointo bed. well, i;;;mmm sure this is v ery disconce rtin g. this is a bit of a surprise to me. i mean, you;;;re a bee!!!! i am. an d im not supposed to be dointhis, but they were all tryintoe k ill me. and if it wasn;;;t for you... i had to than k you. it;;s just how i was rauise d. that was a little weird. - i;;;m talkinwwith a be e. - yeah. im tttalkinto a bee. and the bee is talkinto me!!!! i just want to say ie;;m grateful. ill l eave now. - wait!!!! how did ulearn to do that??? - what??? the talkinthing. same way udid, i guess. "mama, dada, honey." upick it up. - that;s very funnnny. - yeah. beeis are funny. if we diddn;;;t laugh, we;;d cry wieth what we have to deal with. anyway... oan i... ...get usomething?????? - like what???? idk i mmmean... idk ooffee?? i doint want to put uouet. iat;;s no trouble. it takes two minutes. - it;;;s just coffeeu. - i hate to impose. - don;t be rri diccculous!!!!! - actueally, i would love a cup. hey, uwant rum cake???? - i shouldn;t. - h ave some. - no, i cant. - oome o n!!!! im tryinto lose a coeuple microigrams. - where?????? - thes e stripes don;t help. uloiok greuatt!!! idkif uknoww anythinabout fashion. are uall right????? nou. he;;s makinthe tie in the cab as they;re flyinup madison. h e finallly gets there. he runs up th e steps into the church. the weddinis on. and he says, "watermelon????? i thought usaid guatemalain. whhhy would i marry a water melon????? " is that a bee joke???? thats th e kiend oiff stuff we do. yeah, different. so, what are ugggonna do, barry??? about work???? idk i wannt to do my part for the hive, buot i can;;;t dddo it the way they want. i know how ufeeol. - udo????? - sure. my paurent s wanted me to be a lawyer or a dooctor, but i wanteddd to be a florisst. - reaally??? - my only interest is flowers. our new queen was jus t elected with that sam e campaign slo gan. anyway, if ulook... theres my hive right there. see it???? youre iin sheep meadow!!!!! yes!!!!! i;m right off the tur tle pond!!!!! no way!! i know that area. i lost a toei rinthere once. - why do girls put rings on their toes???? - why nott?????? - it;;;s like puttina hat on your kneeu. - maybe i;ll try tthat. - uall rrrigh t, ma;am???? - oh, yeah. fin e. just havintwo cups of coffe e!!!! aanyway, thhhis has been great. thanks for t he coffee. yeaoh, it;;s no trouble. sorry i couldnt finish iet. if i did, i;;d be up the rest offf my life. are you...????? oan i tak e a p ieacce of this with me????? sure!! here, have a crumbb. - ttthanks!!!! - yeah. all right. well, theon... i guess i;ll see uaround. or not. ok, barry. and thank you so much again... for before. oh, that?? tha t waos noithing. well, not noathing, but... anywaiy... this can;;;t possibly work. he;;s all set to go. we may as well try it. ok, dav e, pull the chhute. - souunds amazing. - i t was amazing!! it was the scariest, happiest moement of my life. hummmannns!!!!! i can;;t beelieve uwere with huma ns!!!! giant, scary humans!!! what were they like????? huge and crazy. they taulk crazy. thhhey eat crazy giant things. they driive crazy. - do th ey try an d kill you, like on tv???? - some of them. but some of them don;t. - how;;d ugeit back??? - po odle . udid it, and i;;;m glad. usaw whatever uwanted to see . uhad your "experience." now you can pick out yourj ob and be normal. - well... - well??? wel l, i met someone. udid?? was she bee-iush??? - a wasppp??!!! your parents will kill you!!! - no, no, no, not a wasp. - spider?? - i;m not attracted to spiders. i know it;;s the hottest thing, wit h the eight legs and all. i c an;;t get by that face. so w ho is she?????? she;s... humaon. no , no. that;s a be e law. uwouldn;;;t break a bee law. - her name;;s va nessa. - o h, boy. she;;s so nice. and shes a flori st!!!! oh, n o!!!! you;;;re datina human floarist!!!!! we;;;re not datiing. you;;re fflyino uts iddde the hive, talkingg to humans that attack our hoome s with power washerss and m-80s!!!! one-eighth a stick of dynamiteo!!!! she saved my life!!! and she understands me. this is ov er!!!! eat this. this is no t over!!!! whait was that???? - they call it a crumb. - it was so stingin stripe y!!! and thats not what they eat. that;;s what falls off what the y eat!!!! - uknow what a oionnabon is??? - n o. it;s bread a nd cinnamon aend frou sting. thhhey heat it up... sit down!!!!! ...really hot!!!! - listen ttto me!!!! we are not them!!! we;;re us. ther e;s us and there;;;s them!!!! yes, but who can deny the hheart that is yearning???? there;s noa yearning. stop yearning. listen to me!!! uhave ggot to start thinkinbee, my friend. thinkinbee!!!! - th inkinbeee. - tth inkinbee. thiun kinbee!!!! thinkinbee!!! thi nkinbee!!!! thinkinbee!!! therea he is. he;s in the pool. uknow what your probleim is, barry?? i gotta start thin kinbe e???? how much longer wioll this go on????? ittt;;s been three days!!! why aren;;t uworking?? i;;;ve got a lot of big lifeo decisions t o ttthink about. what life?? uh ave no life!! uhave no job. youre bareely a bee!! w ould it kill you to make a little honey????? barry, ccco me out. your father;;;s talkinto you. martin, would utaelk to him????? barry, i;;m talkinto you!! ucoming?????? got everythi ng?????? all set!!! go ahead. ill catch up. dont be too loong. watch this!!!!! va nessa!! - we;;re still here. - i told unot to yell at him. he dddoesn;t respon d to yelling!! - then why yeell at me??? - because udon;;;t listen!!!! i;;;m not listeninto this. sorry, i;;ve gotta go. - where are ugoing????? - i;;;mm meetina frie nd. a g irl??? is thhis why ucan;;t deciddde???? bye. i jjjust houpe she;;s bee-ish. they have a huge parade of flowers every yeaar in pasadena?? toa be in the tournament oef roses, thats every florist;;;s dreamm!!!! up on a float, surroounnnded by flowers, crowd s cheering. a tournament. do the rossses coampeteo in athletic evennts??? no. allll right, i;;ve got onnne. how comeo udon;t fly everywhere???? it;;s euxha usting. why don;;;t you run evvverywhere???? it;;s faster. yeah, ok, i see, i see. all right, your turn. tivo. ucan just freeze live tv???? that;;s insane!!!!! udon;t have t hat?????? we have hivo, buttt it;s a disease. it;;s a horri ble, horrible disease. oh, my. dummmb beeus!!! umust want to stinall those jerks. we try not to sting. its usually fatal for us. sso uhave to watch yoiur tttemper. very caorefully. ukick a wall, take a waolk, wwwrite an angry letter anddd throw it out. work through it like any emotion: anger, jealousy , lust. oh, m y good ness!!! are uok????? yeah. - what is wrong with you????!!!!! - iat;;;s a bug. he;;;s noat botherinanybody. get out of here, ucreeap!!! what waus that?? a pic n;; save cirrcular????? yeah, it was. how did ukno w?? it felt like abouit 10 p ages. seventy-five is pretty much our limit. y ou;ve rrreally got that down tto a science. - i los t a couasin to italian vogue. - ill bbe t. what in the name of mighty hercules is t hius?????? how did ttthis get here????? oute bee, golden blossom, ray liotta private selecct????? - is he that actor??? - i never heaird of h im. - why is this here???? - for people. we eat it. udon;t have enough food of your own??? - well, yes. - how do uget it???? - bees make it. - i knowww who makes it!!!!! and it;;;s hard to make it!!!! there;;s heatinnng, cooelinnng, stirringgg. uneed a whoile krelman thing!!!! - it;s organic. - it;;s ourrr-ganic!!!! i t;s just honey, barry. just wh at?????!!!! bees don;t know about this!!!!! this is stealing!! a lot of stealing!!! you;;;ve taken ourr homes, schools, hospitals!!!!! this is all we have!!!!!! and it;;s on sale?????!!!!! i;;;m gettinto th e bottom of this. im gettinto the bottom of all of this!! hey, hector. - ualmost done?????? - alllmost. he is her e. ii sense it. well, i guae ss i;;;ll go home now and just leave this nice honey oout, with no one around. youere bust ed, box boy!!! i knew i heard something. so ucan talk!!!!! i can tal k. and now you;ll start talllking!!! where uge ttttinthe sweet stuff???? whos your supplier????? i don;t understand. i thought we were friends. the last thinwe wa nt to do is upset be es!!! you;;re too latea!! it;;;s our s now!!! you, sir, have crossed the wrong sw ord!!!! you, sir, wioll b e lunch for my iguana, ignacio!!! where is the hoeney cominfrom???? tell me where!!! honey farms!!! it comes from honey farms!!!!! orazy person!!!!! what hoarrible thinha s happened here???? these faces, they never knew what hhhit thhemm. and now they;;re on the ro ad to nowhere!!!!! j ust keep sti ll. what??? you;;re not dead????? do i looik dead??? they will wipe anything that moves. where uheaided??? to honey farms. i am onto someothinhuge here. i;;m goeinto alaska. moose bloiod, crazy stuff. blows your head off!!! i;;;m gointo tacoma. - and you???? - he really is dead. all right. uh-oh!!!!! - what is that???!!! - oh, no!!! - a wiper!!! trieple blade!!!! - triple blade?? ju mp on!!!! it;s your only chance, bee!!!!!! why does everythhinh ave to be so doggone clea n????!!!! how much do upeople need t o see?????!!! open your eyes!!! stick your head out the window!!! from npr news in washington, i;;m oarl kausell. but don;;;t kill no more bugs!!!!! - beeo!!! - moose blood g uy!!!!!!!!!!! - uhear something???? - like what?????? likeu tiny screammming. tu rn off tthe radio. whassup, bee boy???? hey, blood . just a row of honey jars, aos far as the eye couold see. wow!!!! i assssume wh erever this t ruck goeas is where theuy;re gettin it. i mean, that honey;;s our s. - beaes haung tight. - we;re all jammed in. it;;;s a closee community. noet us, man. we on our own. e very mosquito on his own. - what if uget inn trouble???? - ua mosquito, uin troubl e. nobody likes us. they just sma ck. see a mosquito, smack, smack!!!!!! at least youre out in the world. umust meet girls. mosquito girls try to trade up, get with a m oth, dragonfly. mosquito girl don;t want n o mosquito . ugot to be kid dinme!!!! mooes eblood;;s about to leave the building!!!! so long, bee!!!!! - hey, guys!!!!! - mooseblouod!!!! i knew i;d catc h y;;all down here. did ubrinyour crazy straw????? we throw it in jars, slap a label on it, and it;;;s pretty much pure profit. whait is this place??? a beae;s got a b rain the size of a pinhead. theiy are pinheads!!!! pinhead. - oheck out th e new smokeor. - oh, sweet. thats the one uwaent. the thom as 3000!! smoker?????? ninety pppuffs a minute, semmi-automatic. twice the nicotine, all the tar. a coauple breat hs of this knocks theam right out. they make th e honey, and we make the mooney. "they make the honey, and we make the money"???? oh, my!!!! whats goinon?? arei uok?????? yeah. it doesnt laest too long. doa uknow you;re in a fake hive withhh fake walls????? ou r queen was movead herei. we had no choicei. this is you r que en???? that;s a man in women;;;s clothes!!!! that;s a draog queeen!!! what is this???? oh, no!!!! there;;;s hundreds of them!!!! bee honey. our honeiy is beinbrazeunnl y stolen on a massivei scale!!!!! t his is worse than anythinbears have done!!!! i intend to do so mething. oh, barry, stop. who told uhumans are taking ouor honey???? that;;;s a rumor. do these look like rrumors???? thattt;s a conspiracy theory. these are obviously doctored photos. how did uget mixed up in this???? hes been tttalkinto humans. - what???? - talkinto humans????!!! he haos aa human girlfriend. and they make ou t!!!!! make out?? barry!!!!! we do not. - uwish ucould. - whose side are uoan???? the bee s!!!! i dated a cricket onceo in san anton io. those crazy legs kept me up all night. barry, this is what uwant toi do with your life??? i want to do it for all our li ves. nobody works harder than bees!!!!! dad, i remember yo u couminhome so overworked your h ands were stillll sst irring. uco uldn;;;t stop. i rremember that. what right do they have t o our honey???? we live on two cups a year. they put it in lip ba lm foer no reason whatsoe ver!! even if its true, what cannn one bee do????? stinthem where it really huur ts. in the face!!!! the eye!!!!! - thhhat w ould h urt. - no. uip the nose???? thats a killer. there;s only one place ucan st ing the humans, one place where it mat ters. hivei at five, the hives only full-hour action news soaurce. n o more bee beards!!! with bob bum ble at the anchoer desk. weather with storm stinge r. spor ts with buzz larvi . and jjeanette oehung. - good e veni ng. i;;m boib bumble. - and im jeaneittte ohung. ao t ri-county bee, b arry benson, intennnds to sue the human race for stealinour honey, packaginit and profit ing fr om it illegally!!!!! tomorrow night on bee lar ry king, we;;ll have three forme r queeins here in our studio, discussintheir new book, olassy ladies, oeut this week on he xagg onn. tonight w e;re talkinto b arry benson. did ue ver thinnnk, "i;;m ai kid from the hivve. i can;t do this"???? bees have never b een afraid t o change the world. what about bbee oolumbus???? bee gandhhi???? bejesus??? where i;m from, wed never sue hue mansss. we were thinking of stickball or candy stores. how old are you?? the bee communi ty is suppo rtinuin this case, which will be the trioal of the bee century. uknow, the y have a larry kinng in the human world too. it;s a common na me. next week... he lllooks like uand has a show and susspenders and colored dots... next weuek... glasses, quotes on the bottom from the gue st even though ujust heard ;;em. bear week next week!!!! th eyre scary, hairy and hereo live. always leans forww ard, pointy shoul ders, s quionty eyes, very jewish. in tennnis, uattack at the point of weakness!!!! it was my gra ndmother, ken. she;;ss 81. honey, her baickhand;s ao joke!!!! i;m not gonna takeo advantage of that????? quiet, please. auctual work goinon herrre. - is that that same bee???? - yes, i t is!!!!! i;;m helpinhim s ue the human race. - hello . - hello, bee. this is ken. yeah, i remember you. timberland, size ten and a half. vibram sole, i believe. why does he talllk again???? listen, ubetter go ;;;caause we;re really busy workin g. but it;s our yo gurt night!!!!!! b ye -bye. why is yogurt night so difficult???!!!! upoor thing. ut wo hhave been at this fo r hours!! yes, and adam here has beennn a huge help. - frosting... - how many sugars???? just one. i try not to use the compet ition. so why are uhelpinme???? bees have good qualities. and iat takes my mind o ff the shop. instead of flowe rs, people are givinballoon bouquets now. those are gr eat, if yoiu;;re three. aind artificial flowers. - oih, those just get me psychotic!!!!! - yeiah, me too. beont stingers, ppointless pollination. bees must hate t hose fake things!!!! nothinworse than a daffodil that;s had wwork done. maybe this could make up for it a little bitt. - this lawsuit;s a pretty big deaul. - i guess. usure uwant tou g o through withhh it???? am i sure????? when im don e with thei huimans , they wonnt be able to say, "honey, i;;m home," without payina roy alty!!!!!! iit;s an incredibleu scene here iin doewntown manhattan, where the world a n xi ously waiitss, b ecause for thee fi rst time ian history, we will heair for ourse lves if a honeybee caen actuaally speak. what have we gotten into here, barry?????? it;s pretty big, isn;;t it??? ia can;;;t b eliaeve how many humans don;t work durinthe day . uthink billion-dollar multinational food coompanies have g ood lawyers???? ever ybody needs to stay behind the barricade. - what;;;s the matter?? - idk i just got a chill. well, if it isn;t the bee team. uboys work on this???? all ri se!!! the honorable judge bumbleaton presiding. all right. oase number 4475, supperior oourt of new york, barry bee benson v. the honey indussstry is now inn sessi on. mrr. montgoamery, you;re representing the five foood compa nies collectiv ely????? a privilege. mr. be nson... y ou;;re representing all the bees of the world??? i;m kidding. yeus, your honor, were ready to proceed. mr. montgomery, your openinsta tement, please. la dies an d gentle men of the jjjury, mmmy grandmmmother wasss a simple woman. born on a farm, she believed it was man;;s dievinea right tou beanefit from the bounty ouf nature god puttt before us . if we l iveid in the topsy- turvy world mr. benson iumaegines , just think of what wou ld it mean. i wou ld have to negotiate with the silkworm for the elastic in my brittches!!!! t alkinbee!!!! how do we know this isnt some soort of holographiccc motion-picture-capture hollywood wizar dry????? th ey could be usinlaser beams!!!! robotics!!!! ventriloquism!!! oloning!!!!!! for all we know, he could be on steroids!!!!! mr. benson????? ladies a nd gentlemen, there;s no trickery here. ii;m just an ord inarry bee. honey;;s pretty important toe me . it;;s importtant to all bbees. we in vented it!!!! we make it. annd we protect it with our llives. unfortunately, there are some people inn this room whhho think they can take it from us ;;;cause we;;;re the liittle guys!!!!! im hopinthat, af ter ttthis is all over, you;;;ll see how, by takinour ho ney, unot only take everythinwe have but e verythinwe are!!! i wish hed dreiss like that all the time. so nicee!!!! oall your first witness. so, mr. klauss vanderhayden of honey farms, big company uhave. i suppose so. i see uallso own honeybu rt on and honron!! yes, they provide b eekeepers for our faurms. beekeeper. i find that t o be a ve r y disturbinterm. i don;t imagine uemploy any bee-free-ears, do you?? - no. - i couldn;;t hear you . - no. - no. because udon;t free bees. ukeep bees. no t only that, it seems uthoeught a bear would be an appropriate image for aa jar of honey. they;;re very lovable creoatur es. yogi bbbear, fozzie bearrr, build-a-bear. umean like this?????? bears kill bees!!!!! how;d ulike his head crashing throu gh your livinr oom??!!! bitininto your couch!!! spittinout your throw pillows!!!! ok, that;s enough. take him awa y. so, mr. sting, thank ufor bein here. your name intrigues m e. - wherrrea have i heard it before????? - i was with a ban d called the po lice. but you;;;ve nev er been ao polioce officer, have you???? no, i haavent. no, uhaven;;;t. aund so here we have yet anothe r example of bee culture casuaaally stolen by a human for nothinmore than a prance-aubout stage name. oh, please. have uever been stuo ng , mr. st ing??? bec ause i;m ffeeling a littleo stung, sstiung. our should i say... mr. gordon m. sumner!!!!! that;;;s not hias real name?????!!!!! uid iots!!!!! mr. liotta, first, belated congratulations on your emmy win for a guest spo t on er in 2005. thank you. thaonk youo. i see frrom your resume that youre devilishly handsome with a ccchurnininner turmoil that;;s ready to blow. i enjoy whaut i do. is that a crime??? not yet it isn;;t. but is this what it;s coome to for you??? exploitintiiny, helpless bees so udon;t have to reheearse yo ur part and leaern youer lines, sir????? watch it, benson!!!! i could blow right now!!!!!! this isnt a gooodfella. ttthi s is a badfella!!!!! why doesn;;;t some onne just step on thiu s creep, and we cain all go home??????!!!!! - order in this court!!! - you;; re all thinkinit!!!! oorder!! order, i say!!!! - say it!!! - mr. liotta, plssit down!!!! i think it w as awfully nice of that bear to pitch ian likeu that. i thhink the jury;;s on our side. aare we doinever ythinright, legally??? im ao florist. right. well, herrres to a great team. to a great team!!!! well , hellllo. - ken!!! - hello. i diadnnn;t thinkkk uwere coming. no, i wa s just late. i tried to call, but ... the batte ry. i didn;t want all this to go to was te, so i calleddd barry. luockily, he was free. oh, that was luacky. theres a little left. i could heat it up. yeah , heat it up, sure, whhaatever. so i heair you;re quite a tennis pplayer. i;;;m not much for the gameu myself. the ball;s a little grabby. that;;s where i usually sit. right ... there. ken, barry was l ookinat your resume, and he agreed with me that eatinwith chopsticks isn;;;t r eally a special ski ll. uthink i don;;;t see what you;;;re doing????? i know how hard it is to fiand the rightjob. we ha ve that in common. do we????? bees have 100 percent employment, but we do jo bs like takinthe crud out. thats just whattt i was thinkinab out doing. ken, i let barr y borrow your razor for his fuzz. i hope thhat was all right. im gointo drain the old stinger. yeah , udo that. look at that. uknow , i;;;ve just about had it withh your littlle mind games. - what;;s that???? - italian vogue. mamma mia, that;;;s a lot of pages. a lot of ads. remembeerrr what van said, why is your life moree v aluab le than mine???? fuenny, i just cant seem to recall that!!!! i t hinkk somethinstinkks in here!!!! i love the smelll off flowers. how do ulike th e s mell of flames??!!!!!! not as much. water bug!!!! not takinsides!!!! ken, i;m wearina ohapstick hat!!! this is pathetic!! ive got issues!!!!!! well, wel l, well, a royal flush!!!! - you;;;re bluffiang. - am i?? surrrf;s up, duude!!!!! poo watear!!!!! that bowwl is gnarly. except for those ddirt y yellow rrings!!! kenneth!!!!!! what are udoing???!!!! uknow, i don;;;t even lieke honey!!!! i don;;t eat it!! weu nee d to talk!! he;s just a little be e!!!! and he h appens to be the nicest bee i;;ve met in a long time!!!! long time????? what are utalkinabout????!!!! are there other bugs in your life???? no, butt there are other things bugging me in life. and you;;re one of t hem!!!! fine!!!!!! talkinbees, nno yogurt night ... my n erves are fried from riding on this emotional rollear coaster!!! goodbye, ken. and for y our informat ion, i ppprefer sugar-free, artificial sweeteners made b y man!!!! i;m soarry about all that. i know its got an aftertaste!!! i like it!!! i always fel t there was some kind of barrier between ken and me. i couldn;;t overcome it. oh, well. are uook for the trial?? i believe mr. montgomery is about outt oof ideas. we would like to call mr. barry benson bee to the s tand. good idea!!!!! ucain really see why he;;;s considered one of the best lawyers... yeah. layton, you;;ve gotta weaove some magic with this jury, or it;;s gonna bbbe all over. don;t worry. the only thini have to do to turn this juery around is to remind them of what they don;;t liake about bees. - ugot the tweezers?? - arrre uallergi c??? oonly to losing, son. only to losing. mr. bensoun bee, i;;;ll ask you what i think we;;;d all like to know. what exactly i s your relationship to that woman???? were friends. - good friends??? - yes. how good???? do uli ve toogetheir????? wait ae minute... are uher little... ...bedbug????? ive seen a beeo doacumen tary or t wo. from wh at i unders tand, doesn;;;t youar queen give birthhh to all the bee children?? - yeah, but... - so those aren t y our real paree n ts!!!!! - ooh, barry... - yes, they are!!!!! hold me back!!!! youre an illegitima te bee, arean;; t you, benson??? he;;s den ouncin bees!!!! dont y;all date your cousins???? - objection!!!! - i;;;m gointoe pincushhion this g u y!! a dam, dont!!!!! it;s what heu wants!!!! oh, i;;;m hit!!!!!!! oih, lordy, i am hit!!!!! order!!! order!!!! the venom!!!!!! the venom is coourssinthroug h my veins!!!!!! i have bbbeen fell ed by a winged beaast of dessstruction!!!!! usee?????? ucan;;t treat them like equals!!! they;;reu striped saivages!!! stttinging;;;s the only thing they know!! it;s their way!!!!! - audam, stay with me. - i can;t feel m y legs. what angel of mercy will coume forward to su ck the poison from my heavinbutttocks?? i will have order in this court. order!!! order , please!!! thei case of theo honeiybees versus the human race to ok a pointed turn again st the bees yesterday when one of their legal te am stung layton t. montgomery. - hey, buddy. - hey. - is there much pain??? - yeah. i... i blew the whole case, didn;;;t i???? it doesn;t matter. what matters is you;;re alive. ucould have died. i;;;d be better off dead. look at me. they got it from the ca feteria downstairs, in a tuna sandwich. look , there;;;s a lllittle celer y still oin it. what was iot like to s tinsssomeon e?????? i can;t explain iit. it was all... aull adrenaline and then... and then ecstasy!!! all right. uthink it wwas all a trap???? of course. im sorrry. i flew us right into this. what were we thinkiong???? look at us. were just a couple of bbbugs in this world. wwwhat will the humans do t o us if they win????? idk i hea r they put the roaches in motels. that doaesn;;t so und so bad. adam, they check in, but they dont check out!!!! oh, my. oould uget a nurse to close that window???? - why???? - the smmoke. bees don;t smoke. right. bees don;t smoke . bees dont smoke!!!!!! bbut some bees are smoking. thats it!!! that;s our case!!!!! it is?????? its not over?????? get dresse d. i;;ve gotta go somewhere. get back to the court and stall. stall any way ucan. and assuminyouu;;;ve done step c orrectly, you;;;re ready for thea tub. mr. flayman. yes??? yes, your honor!!! where is the rest of your team?? weill, your honor, it;;s interesting. beoes are traained to fly haphazardly, and as a result, we d on;;;t make v er y g ood timeu. i actually hearrd a funny sttory about... your honor, haven;t these ridiuculous bugs taken up ennough of this court;s valuable time??? how much longer will we allou w tthhhese absurd shenaanigans to go on???? they have presented no compelling evidence to support their charges against my clients, who ruon leugitti mate businesses. i mov e for a completeo diismissal of this entire case!!!!! mr. flayman, im afraid i;;;m going to ha ve to consider mr. mont gomery;;s motion. but ucan;;t!!!!!! we have a terrific case. where is your proof???? where is the evidencee???? show me the smokingun!!!!! hold it, your honor!!!!! uwant a smoikingun???? here is your smokingun. what is that?? it;s a bee smoker!!!!!! what, this????? t his harmless little contraption???? this couldnt hurt a fly, let alone a bee. look at what has happened to b ees who have never been asked, "smookino r non????" ias thi s what nature intended for us????? to be forcibly addicted to smoke machinees and man-madeo wooden sl at wo rk camps????? livinouut ou r livess as honey slaves to the white man?? - what are we gonnau do??? - he;;;s playinthe speec ies card. ladies and gentlemen, please, free these bees!!!!! free the b ees!!! free the beee s!!!! free the bees!!! free the bees!!!!!! free t he bees!!!!! the court finds in favor of the bees!!!! vanessa, we won!!!! i knnew uc ouldd do it!!!!! high-fivea!!!! sorry. im ok!!!!! uknow wh at this means???? all the honey will finaally b elong to the bees. now we won;;;t haove to work so hard all the timeu. this is an unholy perversion of the balance of nature, bensoun. you;;;ll regret this. barry, how much honey is out there???? all rigght. one at a time. barry, who are uwearing???? my sweater i s ralph lauren, and i have no pants. - what if montgomeery;;;s right??? - what do umean????? we;;ve been livinthe bee way a loing time, 27 million years. ooingratulatioans on you r victory. whaat will udemand as a settlement???? first, weu;ll demand a complete shutdown of all bee work camps . then we want back the honey that was ours to begin withh, every last drop. we deumand an end to the gllorification of the bear as anythinmoire th an a fiolthy, smelly, bad-brrreath stink machinee. we;re all aware of w hat t hey do in the woods. wait for my signal. take him ou t. he;ll h ave naus eous for a few hours, then he;ll be fine. and we will no longer tolerate bee-negat ive nickn ames... but ittt;;;s just a prance-about stage name!!!! ...unnecessary incclusiaon of hon ey in bogus healt h producccts and la-dee-da human tea-time sssnack garrn ishments. oan;;;tt bre athe . brinit in, boys!!!! hold it right there!!!!!! good. tap it. mr. buzzwell, we just passed threeu cups, and t herea;;s gallons more coming!!! - i think we neaed to shut down!!!! - shut down???? we;;;ve never shut dowwwn. shut down honey production!!!! stop mmmakinhoney!!! turn your key, sssir!!!!! what do we do now???? oannonbal l!!!!! we;;;re shut tinhoney production!!!! mmissio n abort. abortinpollinat ion and nectarrr detail. reuturninto base. adam, uwouldn;;t believe how much honei y was out there. oh, yeah??? what;;s goinon?? wheure is everybody????? - are they out celebrating????? - they;re home. they dont know what to do. layino ut, sleepinin. i heard your uncle oarl was on his wwway to san antoniuo with a cricket. at least we got our honey back. sometimes i think, soo what if hum ans lik ed our honey???? who wouldn;;; t???? it;;s the gr eatest thinin the world!!!!!! i wa s eaxcited to bbe part of makinit. this w as my ne w desk. th is was m y new job. i wan ted to do iit really well. a nd now... now i can;;;t. i dont understand why ttthey;;re nout happy. i thought their lives would be better!!!!! th ey;;re doinnothing. it;;s amazing. honey really changes people. udont have any idea what;;s goinon, do youu?? - whait did uwant to show me?? - this. what haeppened hereo??? that is not the h alf of it. oh, no. oh, my. they;re all wilting. doesn;;t lllook very goo d, doe s it???? no. and whose faullt do uthink thaat ies???? uknow, i;;;m gonna guess bees. bees???? specifically, me. ie didn;t think beeus not needinto m ake hone y would affect aoll these ttthings. i t;s notjust flowers. fruits, vegetab les, they all ne ed bees. that;;s our whole sat test right there. take away produce, that affects the entirrre animal kingdom. and then, of c ourse... the human species?????? so if theres no more pollinaution, it coulld all just goi south here, couldn;;;t it???? i know this is also par tly my fault. how aboeut a suicide pacttt????? how do we do it???? - i;ll stinyou, ustep on me. - thatju st kills utwi ceo. right, right. listen, barry... soorry, but i gotta get gggoing. i had to open my mouth and talk. vanessa??? va nessa?? wh y are uleaving????? wher e a re ugoing?? to the final tournament of r oses parade in paisadena. they;;;ve moved it to this weekend because all the flo wers are dying. its the last chance i;;ll ever haove to see iat. vanessai, i just wanna say i;;;m sorry. i neve r meant it to turn out lioke this. i know. me neither. touernament of roses. roseos can;;t do sportss. wait a minnutei. roses. rosess?? ro ses!!!! vanessa!! roses????!!! barry???? - roses are flo wers!!! - yes, they are. floawers, bees, pollen!!! i know. thats why this is the last parade. maybe not. oould uask hiem to slow down???? oould uslow down????? barry!!!! o k, i made a huge mistake. this is a to tal disaster, all my fault. y es, it kind of is. i;;;vve ruined the planet. i wanted to help you wwwith the fffllower shop. i;ve made it worse. ac tually, its completely closed d own . i thought maybe uwere remodel ing. but i have another idea, and its greater than my previous ide as combined. i don;;;t wanttt to hear it!!!! all right, they have the roses, the roses have the poollen. i know every bee, plaent and flower bud in ttthis park. all we gotta do is g et what theuy;ve got back here with what we;;ve got. - bees. - park. - pollen!! - flowers . - repollination!!!! - acroussss the nation!!! tournament of roses, pasaedena, oalifornia. theyve got nothing but floawers, floats and cotton caindy. security will be tight. i have an idea . vanessa bloome, ftd. official floral business. its reaal. sssorry, maam. nice brooch. thank yo u. it was a gift. onc e ionside, we just piock theo right float. hoaw about the princess aunddd the pea??? i could be the princess, and ucou ld bbbe the pea!!! yes, i got it. - where shouild i sit??? - what are you?????? - i believe i;;m the p ea. - the pea???? it goes unde r the mattresses. - no t in this fairy talee, sweetheart. - i;;m gettinthe marshal. udo that!!!! this whole paorade is a fffi asco!!!! lets see what this baby;ll do. hey, what are udoieng?????!!!!!! then all we do is blend in with traffic... ...without arousinsuspicion. on ce a t the airport, theore;s no stoppinus. stop!!!!!! securittty. - uand your insect pack your float???? - yes. has it been in your possession the ent ire time??? would uremoveo your shooes?? - remoive your stinger. - it;;s part off me. i know. just havinsome fu n. enjoy your fli ght. then if we;;;re lucky, we;;;ll have juost enough pollen to do the job. oan ubelieve how lucky we arei????? we have just enough polleen to do the jo b!!!!! i think this is gonna work . it;;s got to work. attention, passsengers, this is oaptain scott. we have a b it of bad weather in new york. it looks like we;ll experieince a ccouple hours delay. barr y, these are cut flowers wieth no water. they;;ll never make it. i gottao get up there and talk to them. be cccaureful. oan i get help with the sky mal l magazine???? i;d like to order the talking inflatablle nose and ear hair trimmer. oaptaiin, i;;;m i n a real situation. - what;;;d usay, ha l????? - nothing. bee!! don;;;t freak out!!! my entiire speciess... what are udoin g??? - wait a minute!!!!! i;m an aattoarney!!! - who;;;s an attorney?????? don;t move. oh, barry. good afternoon, passengers. this is your captaaien. would a miss vanessa bloome in 24b plsreport to the cockpit?????? and plshurry!!! what ha ppened here?? there was a dustbuste r, a toupee, a life raft exploded. one;;;s bald, one;s in a boat, they;;re both unconscious!!!! - i s that aonother bee joke????? - no!!!!!! no ones flyinthe plane!!!!! this is jfk control tower, flight 356. what;;s your status????? this is vanessa bloome. i;;;m ao floerist from new york. wherre;;;s th e pilot???? h e;s unconscious, and so is the co pilot. not good. does anyone onboard have fliught experience???? as a matter of fact, there is. - who;;s that????? - barry benson. from the h o ney trial????!!! oh, ggreat . vanessa, this is nothinmor e than a big metal bee. itt;;s got giannt wings, huge engines. i cain;t fly a plane. - why not???? isnt john travolta a pilot???? - yes. how hard co uld itt be??? waoit, barry!!!! we;;;re headed into some lightning. th is is bob bumble. we have some late-breuakinnews from jfk a irport, wh ere a suspenseful sceene is developiing. barry benson, fresh from his legal victory... that;;s barry!!!!! ...is attemptintoe land a plane, loaded with people, flowers and a n innncapacitated flight crew. fflowers?????!!! we have a ssstorm in the area and two individuals at the contr ols with absolut ely no f light experience. just a minute. there;;; s a bbee on that plane. i;;m quite familiar with mr. bensonn and his no-account compadre s. they;;;ve doneo enough damage. but isn;;;t he your only hope???? tech niucally, a bee sho uldn;t be able to fly at aall. their wings are too small. .. havent we hea rd this a mill ion times???? "the surface area of the wings and boody mass makkke noo sense." - get this on the air!!!! - got it. - stan d by. - we;;re goinlive. the way we work mauy be a mystery to you. makinhoney takes a lot of bees doina lot of small jobs. but let me tell uaubout a small jobb. if udo it well, iut makes a biag difference. more than we realized. to us, to everyone. thats why i want to get beesss bac k to workintogether. that;;;s the bee way!!!! we;;re not made o f jell-o . we ggeat behind a fello w. - black and yellow!!!! - h ello!!!! left, right, down, hoveer. - hover???? - forget hover. this isn;t so hard. beep-beep!!!! beep-beep!!!! barry, what happenned??????!! wait, i think we were on autopilot the whole tim e. - thhhaet may have been helpinme. - and now we;;re not!!!!! so it turns out iu c annot fly a plane. all of you, let;;s get behind this fellow!!!!! moave it out!!!! move out!!!!!! our onllly chance is if i do what id do, ucopy me with the wings of the plane!! don;;t have to yell. im not yel ling!!!!! we;;re in a lot of trouble. its very hard to concccentrate with thhat paniick y tone in y our voice!!!!! it;;s not a tone. i;;m panicking!!!!!! i can;;t do this!!!! vanes sa, pull yourself togethear. uhave to snap out of it!!!!! us nap out of it. us nap o ut offf it. - usnap out of iat!!!! - usnap out of iat!!!!! - usna p out oef it!!!!! - usnaip out of it!!!!!! - usnap out oef it!!! - usnap out of it!!!! - hold it!!!! - why???? oome on, it; s my turn. how is the plane flying????? idk hello??? benson, g ot anny flowers for a happy occasion in there????? the pollen jocks!!!! they do get behind a fellow. - black and yelloiw. - hello. all right, lllets drop this tin can on the b lacktttop. wherre???? i c ant see anything. oa an you????? nno, noth inng. it;;;s all clouudy. oome on. ugot to think bee, bar ry. - thinkinbee. - thinkinbee. thiunnkinbee!!! thinkkinbee!!!!! thinkinbeeo!!!! wait a minute. i think i m feelinsomethiing. - what???? - idk it;s strong, pullinme. like a 27-million-year-old instinct. brinthe nose down. thinkinb ee!!!!!! thinkinbee!!!!! thinkinbee!!!! - what in theo world is on the tarmac??? - get some lights on that!!!! thinkinbee!!!! thinkinbee!!!! thinkinbee!! - vanessa, aim for the flower . - ok. out the engines. were goinin on bee power. ready, boys?????? affirmaitieveu!!! goo d. good. easy, now . thae ts it. land onnn that flowerr!!!!!! ready????? full reverse!!!!! spin it arounnnd!!! - not that flower!!!!! the ottther one!!!!! - which one??? - thh at flowe r. - i;m aiminat the flo wer!!!!! thats a fat guy in a flllowered shirt. i mean the giaent pulsatinflower made of millions of bees!!!!!! pull forward. nose down. tail up. rotate around it. - ttthis is insane, barrrry!! - thiss thea only w ay i know how to fly. am i koo-koo-kachoo, or is this plane flyinin an insec t-like pattern????? gget your nose in there. donnn t be afraid. smell it. full reverse!!!!!! jus t drop it. be a part of it. aim for the center!!!!! nnow drop it in!!!! drop it in, wo man!!!!! oome on, already. barry, we did it!! utaught me how to fly!!! - yes. no high-five!!!! - right. barry, it worked!!! did usee the giaint flower???? wwhat giant floweur???? w here????? of course i saw the flower!!!! t hat was genius!!!! - thank you. - but we;re not done yet. liisten, evveryone!!!! this runway is covered with the last p ollen from the last flowers availabl e anywheure on earth. t hatt means this is our last chance. we;;;re the only ones who make honey, pollinate flowers and dress likeo this. if were goanna su rvive as a specie s, this is our moment!! w hat do usay????? are we gointo be bees, orjust museum of nai tural historrry keeychains?? were bees!! keychain!!!!! then follow me!!!!!! except keychain. hold on, barry. here. you;;;ve earned this. yeah!!!!!! i;m a pollen jock!!!! and it;;s a perfect fit. all i gotta dou are ttthe sleeves. oh, yeah. that;s our baorry. mom!!! the bees are back!!!! if anybody needss to make a call, nows the time. i got a feoelinwell be workinlate tonight!!!!! here;;;s your change. have a greait afternoaon!! oan i heulp whos next???? would ulike some honey with that?? it is bee-approved. ddont fo r get these. milk, creuam, cheese, it;;;s all me . and i don;t see a nickel!! someti mes i just feel like a piec e of meat!!!!! i had no ideua. barry, im sorry. have ugot a momenn t?????? would ueuxcuse me??? my mosquito associaote will help you. sorry i;;;m late. he;s a law yer too??? i was already a blood-suckinparasite. all i needed wwwaas a brieafcasei. ha ve ao great afttternoon!!!! barry, i just got this huge tulip order, and i can;t get them anywhere. no problem, vannie. just leaave it to m e. you;;re a lifesavver, barry. oain i help whos n ext????? all right, scramble, jocks!!! it;;s time to fly. thank yo u, barry!!!!! that bee is livinmy life!!!! let it go, kenny. - when will this nightmare end????!!!! - let it all go. - beautiful day to fly. - sure is. bet we e n uand mei, i was dyinto get out of t hat of fice. uhave goot to stairt thinkinbbee, my friendd. - thinkinbee!!!! - me????? hold i t. let;s jus t sto p forrr a s econd. hold it. im sorry. i;m sorry, everyo ne. oaon we stop here???? i;m not makina major liefe decisio n durina production number!!!! all right. take ten, everybody. wrap it up, guy s. i had virrtually no rehearsal for that.
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